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Natura Bresciana: la rivista di scienze naturali del Museo



DISTRIBUZIONE GEOGRAFICA DEGLI UCCELLI NIDIFICANTI IN ITALIA, CORSICA E ISOLE MALTESI (Geographic distribution of breeding birds in Italy, Corsica and Maltese Islands) 
5. Aggiornamenti e rettifiche (Parti 1-4)


Abstract - Updatings and corrections (Parts 1-4). Taking into account many published and unpublished data available after the appearance of the first 4 parts of this work, the Author presents the following updatings which particularly concem some already considered species: Podiceps cristatus (increase of range extension, consistence and dynamics of population); Podiceps nigricollis (new nesting localities, estimates of wintering population); Calonectris diomedea (range definition, population estimates, reproductive biology, biometry, etc.); Puffinus puffinus (range definition, movements in the Mediterranean sea, etc.); Hydrobates pelagicus (population estimates, reproductive biology, biometry); Phalacrocorax carbo (nesting in freshwater wetlands, increase of migrating and wintering population); Plegadis falcinellus (new nesting localities).

Ultimo aggiornamento

14/10/2014, 15:31