Parole chiave – Quercus crenata, Fagaceae, Prealpi Italiane, laurifoglie.
Riassunto – Si segnala una nuova stazione di Quercus crenata Lam. presso Albino (provincia di Bergamo), rappresentata da un albero isolato, l'unico individuo finora noto in provincia di Bergamo e in Lombardia centro-occidentale. Vengono descritti e illustrati i caratteri morfologici di foglie e frutti, che corrispondono a quelli osservati in altri individui riferiti a Q. crenata del margine prealpino orientale e appenninico. Nel periodo di osservazione (1998-2002) le ghiande non sono state portate a maturazione e non vi è stato rinnovamento da parte dell’albero. Le caratteristiche vegetazionali dell’ambiente fanno propendere per una condizione di non naturalità. La sopravvivenza di questa quercia semisempreverde e di altre specie sempreverdi e/o a fogliame semipersistente nei boschi termofili circostanti è messa in relazione con inverni miti, scarso innevamento, buon soleggiamento e densa copertura forestale. Indagini storiche sugli usi di questa quercia in passato potrebbero fornire indicazioni sulla sua origine e distribuzione.
Key words – Quercus crenata, Fagaceae, Italian Pre-Alps, laurophyllization.
Abstract – A new occurence of Quercus crenata Lam. near Albino (Bergamo). We describe a new occurence of a semi-evergreen oak, Quercus crenata Lam., in the Bergamo province (Lombardian Pre-Alps, N-Italy), set up by a single tree, the only known individual in central-western Lombardy. Leaves and fruits are described and illustrated. They fit the features observed in the Eastern Alpine and Northern Apenninic individuals referred to Q. crenata Lam. 4 years watching has not revealed any successful reproduction of the tree. The strong anthropization of the area suggests the tree to be not spontaneous. The occurrence of this themophilous oak and of several other evergreen and/or semipersistent woody species in the surrounding vegetation are related to mild winter, low snow cover, fairly good sunshine, and high forest canopy. We stress the need of historical investigations to understand the origin and distribution of this species.
Abstract – A new occurence of Quercus crenata Lam. near Albino (Bergamo). We describe a new occurence of a semi-evergreen oak, Quercus crenata Lam., in the Bergamo province (Lombardian Pre-Alps, N-Italy), set up by a single tree, the only known individual in central-western Lombardy. Leaves and fruits are described and illustrated. They fit the features observed in the Eastern Alpine and Northern Apenninic individuals referred to Q. crenata Lam. 4 years watching has not revealed any successful reproduction of the tree. The strong anthropization of the area suggests the tree to be not spontaneous. The occurrence of this themophilous oak and of several other evergreen and/or semipersistent woody species in the surrounding vegetation are related to mild winter, low snow cover, fairly good sunshine, and high forest canopy. We stress the need of historical investigations to understand the origin and distribution of this species.