Aggiornata al 1992
Riassunto - Vengono acriticamente elencati tutti i lavori ornitologici reperiti contenenti notizie riguardanti il territorio ligure, indicando per ogni singola specie i testi in cui la stessa è menzionata. Sono inoltre precisate le specie che, se pure citate, sono escludibili dall' avifauna regionale per mancanza o inadeguatezza di riscontri.
Summary - Ligurian ornithological bibliography until l992. Six hundred and five omithological studies about the Ligurian regional territory published up to 1992 were collected and exarnined. The author has taken into consideration only the studies with strictly scientific features and he has left out hunting and protectionist publications and the periodical press, except for very few cases in which the data were accepted in literature. The list of bibliographic references is written in alphabetical order. Every study is marked by a progressive number.
The systematic index was written acritically; for every species the progressive numbers mark the studies in which the same species is quoted. Sometimes these numbers are followed by one or more smallletters enclosed in brackets which highlight the specific interest of the quotation according to the following abbreviations: (a) = anomalies, (c)= captures or presences in collections, (i)= ringings, (r) = recaptures of ringed birds, (n)= nesting. The absence of notes doesn't necessarily involve the lack of a specific interest; it's generally due to the fact that in many cases the reference is sirnply a faunistic record.
On the whole 10.083 references per 409 taxa are listed.