Abstract - The Fishes of the Abruzzo National Park and its Surroundings. - Zoogeographic, geonemic, taxonomic, biologie and bibliographic information on alloctonous and autoctonous fish of the former Lake Fucino, the lakes and streams of the Marsican mountains, N-W Ciociaria and Northern Caraceno (AbruzzoLatium- Molise Apennines), in the Abruzzo National Park and its surroundings, are set out. The following taxa were found: Salmo truffa, Salmo gairdneri, Coregonus «f.h.», Pseudophoxinus rubilio, Leuciscus cephalus, Leuciscus soujjia, Tinca tinca, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Alburnus al burnus, Alburnus albidus, Barbus plebejus, Cyprinus carpio, Cobitis taenia, Anguilla anguilla, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Gambusia affinis, Perca fluviatilis, Gobius nigricans and Cottus go bio. The first information on the fish of the study area was given by C. Plinius (Nat. Hist.). Nevertheless, fish species living in the Centrai Apennines are not well known, TARGIONI TOZZETTI (1874), ScoTTI (1898), ABBATE (1903), BRUNELLI & CH!APPI (1931) and BIANCO (1979) excepted. Salmo frutta: this is the only taxon in the research area which was the object od studies severa! times in the past (cfr. HENKING 1931, POMINI 1941, SoMMANI 1950, 1951, NùMANN 1964). Salmo ghigii is nota true ssp. As a rule the Marsicanjario shows different phaenotypes in severa! watersheds, but the extent of these morphologic differences is in accordance with the degree of geographic isolation of such populations. Contrary to what formerly stated by some authors, Salmo carpio does not inhabit the Lake of Posta Fibreno, but there is an eutroglophylous dwarf population of Salmo frutta; adult individuas of this dwarf Salmo frutta do not exceed the size of 12-15 cm. A morphognostic feature of some Salmo frutta populations is the bluish hue of the fish backs. Salmo trutta of the Ninfa River belongs to macrostigma; on Roman times it was imported from the inland streams of Maghreb. Salmo gairdneri: this spieces visits the streams of the research area, but it does not riproduce there. Coregonus «f.h.»: it was introduced in the Lake of Scanno from the Lake Maggiore in the end of the XIX century and again between 1920 and 1930. Leuciscus cephalus: it was introduced accidentally in the artificial Lake of Barrea in 1962. Pseudophoxinus rubilio: it is- partly, at least- allochthonous in the study area. This species shows some morphologic variations, but stili within the species variability. Leuciscus souffia: it is known as rather rare, only from 3 sites of the research area. Tinca tinca: it is partly alloctonous in the research area, reaching up to 1818 m a.s.l. In «Lagozzo» (1240 m a.s.l.) it is almost certainly autochthonous. Scardinius erythrophthalmus: this is one of the rarest fish in this area. Alburnus alburnus: it was imported to the research area. A map is shown indicating the autochthonous and alloctonous distribution range of this taxon in Italy. Alburnus albidus: it is a localised and rather rare fish. A map sets out the present range of this taxon in southern Italy. Barbus plebejus: it is a localised species. It was released in some areas, but it is extinct or on the verge of extinction in some others. Cyprinus carpio: this fish has been perhaps imported to some sites of the study area from Roman times on. Cobitis taenia: a little known taxon, whose morphology and range deverve further attention. It is present only marginally in the research area. Anguilla anguilla: it has been introduced in some lakes from 1845 on, perhaps up to the early 1950s. Today it is disappearing. Gasterosteus aculeatus: it was mentioned by C. Plinius (Nat. Hist.) for the Lake Fucino. In 1849 it was released it the Lake of Scanno. Water pollution is underlying its decline. Gambusia affinis: it was introduced in the Lake Fucino and perhaps in other streams several times from 1928 on as a natural predator of the Anopheles mosquito. Percafluviatilis: this fish was imported to the Lake of Scanno in 1929-1930, as well as to the Lake of Canterno with Lepomis gibbosus and Micropterus salmoides. Gobius nigricans: very rare. It is a taxon on the verge of extinction because of the interference of various man activities. It reaches in this area the southernmost border of its present range. This fish might stili be living in the streams of the western side of the Apennine chain. Cottus gobio: rare. Never recorded personally. Salvelinus alpinus, Salvelinusfontinalis, Esox lucius and Mugil cephalus were fished in the past, but are now extirpated from the research area.