1969_6_125-153_Kiszely_et _al

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3 min

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Natura Bresciana: la rivista di scienze naturali del Museo






Riassunto -   Gli AA. descrivono il materiale antropologico di cinque tombe rimvenute nell'area di S. Salvatore in Brescia; ne riportano i dati osteometrici e, con una accurata analisi comparativa delle caratteristiche antropologiche, ne definiscono il sesso e razza.

​Abstract -  In May 1968, then in autumn of the same year a newer Barharian gravec of the VI'th century was found in Brescia, in the region of San Salvatore. This brief account deals with the concise description of the anthropological material of these 5 graves. On the basis of the metriral comparative analysis it may be established, that from the finds of Brescia the graves of men No. 3 and No. 5 and the female grave No. 4 contain the bony remains of individuals of most assuredly Longobard origin, while the remains of a female child in grave No. 2 probably  o​riginated from the local population, and the remains in the female grave No. l might one traced back to a foreign folk - possibly eastern Teutons - that joined the Longobards during their migration. In the graves of Longobard origin the dentine of the human remains is rather bad, what according to the author might be explained by an "adaptation" disease. The publication of descriptive type is the descriptive, bibliographic part of a greater generai work. These finds are of special interest from the viewpoint of the anthropological research on the Longohards, since they originate from North-Italy, of a place, where from only few authentically inearthed Longobard graves were seientifically elaborated.


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16/10/2014, 08:20